A group of professionals who accelerate DX from a management perspective

Who We Are A team of technology professionals who lead businesses to success

Andaze is a group of specialists working in various fields. Our team of business-savvy technology professionals catches the changes in your business and proposes successful strategies that are not just a "Pie in the sky". Then, we start system development efficiently, using superior technology of global standards. We provide solutions that lead your business to success at a reasonable price using the "Andaze Method," in which every member functions as a player.

Who We Are Provide added value with our accumulated know-how and speed

Creating added value with solutions that give us a competitive advantage

Andaze's strength is our ability to develop added value with superior development speed based on the know-how we have accumulated through projects in a wide range of industries and our experience in dealing with our clients' businesses. In addition, it is only a venture company that is not afraid of positive change that can continue to take on any challenge to the end. We support our customers in the mid- to long-term and create new value for their business.

IoT/Big Data Development Services


Andaze Ltd. provides big data development services that lead to corporate profitability, from automatic collection of in-house data using various tools and devices to processing and analysis. Andaze has a wealth of experience in IoT applications, so you can trust your big data development, which has the potential to become a major corporate asset, to Andaze.

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New Business Service Development


Andaze Ltd.'s new business system development services are flexible enough to adapt to change and make your new business a success. We employ agile development to quickly release the best functionality for your business. We also help you secure new sources of revenue and acquire new customers by effectively utilizing your existing data and offering it as a SaaS service. From the first step to the final system development, we will do our best to support your business.

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Recruitment agency services


Andaze Ltd. offers a total recruitment service that provides support for recruiting, hiring, and training. we support strategic recruiting activities by analyzing market trends and information obtained through our professional knowledge and collaboration with agents and partner companies, which we have cultivated by supporting more than 200 companies in their recruitment activities. We support strategic recruiting activities.

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Static Site Generator


Andaze Ltd. provides website construction services using the static site generator "Hugo" to speed up the display of websites and enhance security. We will deeply understand your current situation and propose improvement measures.

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Andaze Ltd. provides "Prototyping, Implementation, and Verification" to confirm the feasibility of system development and to make investment decisions The first step to success in DX is PoC (Proof of Concept). Andaze offers PoC services for companies considering the introduction of a new system or the establishment of security.

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Andaze Ltd. supports companies that wish to "de-subscribe, de-cloud, and de-package" from the perspectives of cost, security, and system operation. Our experts will propose the best solution for you, from the creation of the system to its operation.

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持続可能なシステムを廉価につくる技術 ~サブスクの取捨選択とPaaSのススメ~

持続可能なシステムを廉価につくる技術 ~サブスクの取捨選択とPaaSのススメ~

ジェネリックCRMのご紹介 ~限界なくお客様の要望を実現~

ジェネリックCRMのご紹介 ~限界なくお客様の要望を実現~

Company guide from the president. - Andaze Ltd.

Company guide from the president. - Andaze Ltd.

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未経験でのエンジニア転職  ~株式会社ダルマックス・SES・業務系エンジニア・PMO・プログラミング教室の解説~

未経験でのエンジニア転職  ~株式会社ダルマックス・SES・業務系エンジニア・PMO・プログラミング教室の解説~

Andaze Ltd. Employment Opportunities

Andaze Ltd. Employment Opportunities

アンダーズ株式会社 採用求人のご案内

アンダーズ株式会社 採用求人のご案内



アンダーズ株式会社 7周年記念 代表挨拶

アンダーズ株式会社 7周年記念 代表挨拶

Free PDF Book “PaaS-no-Susume”

Technology to “cheaply create” sustainable systems (FY2022 Edition)

Are you looking for information about inexpensive and flexible system development, but are having trouble pinpointing any of them? This publication shares how we have used PaaS to solve our clients’ problems and make their IT investments successful.

  • How to Reduce SaaS License Fees and Reach Advanced Data Utilization
  • How to Procure PaaS Databases for Better Return on Investment
  • What is sustainable DX that can keep up with business changes?

This 100+ page guide explains in detail how to create a sustainable system using PaaS and what you need to know in advance. We hope you will find it useful in your company’s DX efforts.

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We are looking forward to receiving applications from people who are looking for a new challenge, want to be exposed to the latest technology, or want to be involved in a new business.
